Point McKay Condos Calgary

According to a recent survey, as many three out of every four homes in the Point McKay community are owned by their occupants, and a very small proportion of the homes here operate as rental properties. A majority of the residential properties in the Point McKay community comprise of modern townhouses and apartment-style condo units.


Apartment Condos for Sale in Point McKay Calgary

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Living in an Apartment Style Condo in Point McKay

A highlight of the community is that you don’t need to take the train to downtown for all your shopping and recreational needs. There is a wealth of amenities available right at your doorstep in the Point McKay community. The nearby Market Mall offers a variety of stores and shops to cater to your everyday shopping needs. And that’s not all. If you are an outdoor enthusiast, then you might be very pleased to find a large number of open spaces including parks and gardens in the area to explore. You can always take a stroll or go for a jog along the many walking trails and pathways near the banks of the mesmerizing Bow River.

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