Townhomes for Sale in Ogden

Established more than a century ago in 1912, Ogden homes for sale are considered to be a part of Calgary’s oldest real estate markets. As such, you will be able to find a lot many historic character properties in the community of Ogden. The Ogden real estate was named after a former Vice President of the Canadian Pacific Railway, I.G. Ogden. The other neighbourhood called Millican derives its name from the Millican family that was among the very early settlers in the community in the early 1900s.


Ogden Townhomes for Sale in Calgary

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Living in a Townhouse in Ogden

You will also find plenty of older bungalows too in the Millican, Lynwood, and Ogden communities that are often priced fairly reasonably and make for an ideal housing option for young families, empty nesters, and buyers looking for an investment property.

Not finding a suitable townhouse in this Community? Try Searching other affordable townhomes for sale in these nearby communities.

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