Move Up Homes in Canyon Meadows

(Detached houses ranging from $450,000 to $650,000)

The neighbourhood of Canyon Meadows is surrounded by a network of major routes and pathways including the Fourteenth Street in the west, the Anderson Road to the north, and the Macleod Trail in the east. The Canyon Meadows homes are all located on a rolling plain above the Fish Creek Park bluffs. Given its close proximity to a number of exciting recreational venues and public amenities, Canyon Meadows real estate market is a massive hit among prospective buyers and investors alike.


Move Up Homes for Sale in Canyon Meadows Calgary

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Selling and then Relocating into Canyon Meadows

The community is also served by the Canyon Meadows Community Centre that hosts an entire range of activities and programs such as Jazzercise, Moms and Tots, Senior Bridge, Brownies, dog classes, Tai Chi, Yoga, dance classes and more. In addition to this, the Canyon Meadows community centre also features two skating rinks, basketball nets, skateboard ramp benches and multiple playing fields.

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