Bowness Condos Calgary

If you are planning to purchase a new home in Calgary, then Bowness real estate is one of the best housing destinations that you must certainly check out. Living in Bowness community puts you within convenient proximity of an endless variety of modern conveniences and amenities that would make your life easy in general.


Apartment Condos for Sale in Bowness Calgary

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Bowness Condos & Apartment Style Homes — Market Report

Bowness may not have a huge selection of apartment style condos on the market but that doesn’t mean it’s not a great option for those looking for a home with no exterior maintenance or a smaller space they can call their own. With great access to public transit and other major amenities these homes are ideal for those looking to downsize or looking to get into the real estate market.

Over the last 10 years Bowness has sold on average less than 8 properties a year in this category, owing mostly to there just not being many buildings in the community with apartments. Residents looking to buy a condo in Bowness are going to want to look in Silverwood on the Park and the Olympic House Condo complexes. Silverwood on the Park offers residents sweeping views of the river, access to walking paths and parks and a resident only fitness center. Olympic House Condos offers it’s residents affordable condo fees an views of the Olympic park. There are a few smaller buildings in the neighbourhood as well.

Bowness Condo Pricing and Values

These condos are super affordable. As of Late 2021 the average sale price for the last 10 years sitting at $186,652. When we compare that to the rest of north west Calgary with an average sale price of $241,681 Bowness is the perfect place to get the most out of your money.

Price per sq/ft shows us that these homes aren’t smaller than the rest of the city either, the average price per sq/ft in Bowness last year was just $193 vs $245 for the rest of north west Calgary!

Bowness Condo Days on Market

Because there are so few options in Bowness for condos these homes sell a bit faster than you may expect. The average condo takes 57.2 days to sell vs the north west quadrant’s average of 55 days. The reason these homes move faster is because of supply. While Bowness condos typically average about 3.8 months of supply north west Calgary generally has 5.4 months of supply. If a buyer finds a condo they love in Bowness it would be best to move fast or risk having someone else get their offer in first.

Not finding a suitable Condo in this Community? Try Searching other Condominiums in these nearby communities.

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