Townhomes for Sale in Albert Park/Radisson Heights

Albert Park/Radisson Heights Townhomes for Sale in Calgary

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Albert Park/Radisson Heights Townhomes & Attached Homes — Market Report

There are very few condo townhomes available in Albert Park/Radisson Heights. Those that do exist are often located in small self run corporations keeping condo rates low but most of these complexes offer few if any amenities to their residents. The most common attached property that you will see in Albert Park/Radisson Heights are duplexes. These are very popular options for anyone looking to get into the rental market. With fantastic options like buying a whole building and renting out half of the unit or simply buying half a duplex and adding a basement suite these properties are an easy affordable way to become a landlord.

In the last 10 years Albert Park/Radisson Heights attached homes have stayed in high demand in the community and nearly doubled in price.

  • In 2011 the average sale price of an attached home was $263,375.00, but in 2020 that price had doubled to an average sale price of $495,000.00
  • East Calgary has an average sale price of $212,000 over the last 10 years.
  • The average price per square foot is $286, compared to the quadrant’s average of $215.
  • These homes also tend to sell much faster than attached homes in East Calgary, with the average days on market in 2020 at just 35 days – almost twice as fast as the average for the quadrant of 60 days.

Living in a Townhome & Attached Home in Albert Park/Radisson Heights

Many of the attached homes for sale in in Albert Park/Radisson Heights have been updated throughout the years to keep the homes modern and functional. You will also find a selection of new or nearly newly built infills offering residents of the neighbourhood access to high end modern housing with less of an investment when compared to other areas of the city.

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